One day it occurred to The Members (parts) of the Body that they were doing all of the work while the Belly got all of the food. They believed the Belly was lazy and unproductive.
It was decided that they would hold a meeting that evening to discuss how unfair this seemed. After what was a very long meeting that night it was voted on that The Members of the Body would go on strike until the Belly agreed to take its proper share of the work.
The unhappy body parts didn’t do anything for several days in an attempt to stop feeding the Belly. The Legs stopped walking, the Hands stopped moving and the Teeth stopped chewing.
As a result of this inactivity and the starving of the Belly, the Legs became more and more tired, the Hands could hardly move anymore and the Mouth became parched and very dry.
Eventually, the entire Body collapsed and passed away as the Belly completely starved.
Source: Æsop. (Sixth century B.C.) Fables. The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.
What do you make of this fable?
As a leader, you should know the strengths and value each team member brings. You should also be aware of their shortcomings and weaknesses.
Leadership is all about relationships and making rock solid connections so that everyone in the organisation knows what they contribute to the team and why they are there.
How does this relate to your team?
Your opportunity to chat…
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Mark Russell Inspired Performance Coaching – Dedicated to Your Success.