“Whatever we expect, with confidence, becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Brian Tracy
What kind of expectations do you have about life on a day-to-day basis?
Do you expect to get stuck in traffic or do you expect a smooth, relaxing drive to work?
Do you expect to have an argument with your spouse or do you expect a positive, meaningful conversation based on love and respect?
Do you expect your next project to be frustrating and difficult or do you expect a fun challenge with a rewarding conclusion?
The answers to these questions will tell you a lot about yourself. They will also tell you about the kind of experiences you are attracting into your life.
Do your very best, this ENTIRE day. ONLY expect the events and circumstances that you most desire. When something inevitably happens that was unexpected, just flip it around (it’s simply a plot twist!) and expect the next step in your day to work out THAT MUCH better. Observe what happens to your attitude and your energy throughout the day. I guarantee you will be amazed by the results.
Your opportunity to chat…
I’m passionate about inspiring people to tap into their unique talents and strengths – to be the best they can be – to fulfill the potential they always knew they had. It’s not about ‘fixing’ you. Rather, it’s about helping you access the best part of yourself so you’re able to make the changes, release the dragons and powerfully step into your brilliance.
If you are interested in performance coaching, try my free 20-minute introductory session. Just respond to this email with your name and what challenges you are having – I’ll then arrange a time and date for us to chat by phone or face-to-face.
Get in touch TODAY by email or call my office on +44 (0)20 8798 3433.
Mark Russell Inspired Performance Coaching – Dedicated to Your Success.