A long time ago there was a wise old man who spent his days wandering the countryside.
He happened to pass near a village, and was approached by a woman who told him about her sick child. She beseeched him to help.
So the wise old man entered the village. A crowd quickly gathered around him, for such a man was a rare sight.
The woman brought her sick child to him. The wise old man comforted the child and then said a incantation.
Suddenly, a villager stepped forward from the crowd and shouted at the wise old man, “Do you really think your prayer will help her, when medicine has failed?”
“Be QUIET! You know nothing of such things! You are a stupid fool!” the wise old man immediately retorted.
The villager was shocked and embarrassed. He started to get angry. His face became hot and red and he bunched his fists ready for a fight. He began to move toward the wise old man with the intention of confronting him.
But then the wise old man walked over to him and said: “If one word has such power as to make you so angry and hot, may not another have the power to heal?”
And thus, the wise old man healed two people that day.
I love this quote from Daphne Rose Kingma, which sums up the importance of knowing the impact of your words…
“Language does have the power to change reality. Therefore, treat your words as the mighty instruments they are – to heal, to bring into being, to nurture, to cherish, to bless, to forgive.”
Your words can lift people up to be their best. Or, it can destroy them. Be careful of what you say, how you say it and your use of accompanying body language.
Your opportunity to chat…
I’m passionate about inspiring people to tap into their unique talents and strengths – to be the best they can be – to fulfill the potential they always knew they had. It’s not about ‘fixing’ you. Rather, it’s about helping you access the best part of yourself so you’re able to make the changes, release the dragons and powerfully step into your brilliance.
If you are interested in performance coaching, try my free 20-minute introductory session. Just contact me and I’ll arrange a time and date for us to chat by phone or face-to-face.
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Mark Russell Inspired Performance Coaching – Dedicated to Your Success.