A young man is visiting the great City of London for the day.
He’s walking along Bond Street when he spots a famous portrait artist sitting at a cafe sipping coffee.
He is amazed at his good fortune and very excited. Nervously, he approaches the artist.
As the artist looks up the man gushes “Oh, I’m sorry to disturb you but I’m a MASSIVE fan of yours. May I ask a favour? Please, can you do a quick pen portrait of me? It would mean the world to me and I’d be more than happy to pay you a little something for your time!”
The artist grunts and looks the man up and down. He finally nods to signal his agreement. Pointing the man to a seat the artist quickly draws a pen portrait and hands it to the man.
“Wow!” the man exclaims, “It’s wonderful and so lifelike. I will keep it as a treasured possession for the rest of my life. Tell me, how much do I owe you?”
“£5000,” replies the artist.
“FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS? That’s an awful lot of money for only a few minutes work,” the man splutters incredulously.
“No, sir, you are very much mistaken. It took me my entire life.”
How much are you worth? Is it just your time? What about all those years of study, learning, and experience that it took to develop your talent and hone your craft? Is that not worth anything? How much?
Make sure you know and get what you are worth.
Your opportunity to chat…
I’m passionate about inspiring people to tap into their unique talents and strengths – to be the best they can be – to fulfill the potential they always knew they had. It’s not about ‘fixing’ you. Rather, it’s about helping you access the best part of yourself so you’re able to make the changes, release the dragons and powerfully step into your brilliance.
If you are interested in performance coaching, try my free 20-minute introductory session. Just respond to this email with your name and what challenges you are having – I’ll then arrange a time and date for us to chat by phone or face-to-face.
Get in touch TODAY by email or call my office on +44 (0)20 8798 3433.
Mark Russell Inspired Performance Coaching – Dedicated to Your Success.